Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bare backyard

When I said that I would give you guys a mini tour of the house, it was after I cleaned, but over the course of the week the house some how has the appearance of a flop house. Maybe not that bad, but we literally are just in and out lately. So that being said, I figured I would start with the outside first. We are going to be focusing on the outside the most this Summer anyway so it works out I think. I also had Kyle be in the pics, just in case looking at a bunch of pics of a yard was a little boring.


These first few are of the front yard, and as you can see there is a bit to be done here. When we get around to replacing the fence it has to go behind the tree and we have to pile up dirt next to the house. On each side of the porch we are going to plant flowers and move the bushes over.


This is the outside of the side-door and the entrance we seem to use the most. I am not sure what we are going to do here, but it is one of the perspective spots for the vegetable garden that Kyle and I want to plant this Spring. We had great luck with them at the apartment the first year so we are soooo excited for this one!


The back of the house needs to be cleaned up as well and Kyle and I are going to hunt down a picnic table and some chairs for bbq's this summer with our friends! I cannot wait to have people over on the weekends, grilling before Tigers games on TV, or just for whatever like last year at the apartment. With the park across the street I see kickball games and catch in the near future :)


As you can see, most of the place just needs to be cleaned up and weeded out, but because everything is so over-grown and messy at the moment, but I think there are some great spots out here for outfit pics for the time being, eh? Eh?


And of course the giant tree that needs to be torn down, it sucks because it's dead and it's tangled in the wires. We are probably going to keep the wire fence for now, but we are going to replace it eventually, maybe this summer if we have enough money. Why Kyle is making that face is beyond me, haha, I think he was tired of wandering out around the yard in the cold, the sun is deceiving! 

I hope you liked this mini-tour of the yards! I am hoping to get to the inside of the house this week, I am just not sure of how to post them all up without bombarding you guys with so many pictures at once! But for now I am off to bed, soooo sleepy!

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