Friday, March 18, 2011

She's governed by simple pleasures.


Whew what a week, what a day! I worked all day, stopped by my Mom's to get Louie, went home and then went on a way longer than planned walk with him all over Oak Park, Ferndale and Pleasant Ridge.  I came home, scarfed left-over stir-fry, and inhaled coffee. Then I grabbed "Wide Sargasso Sea" and the huge tub of laundry and headed to the laundry mat. I managed to get most of my reading done at the laundry mat which was good, way to multi-task! I am finishing up my re-write for my News writing course and after this post I am going to finish some notes and it's off to bed for me.


I did not do as good as I thought I would on my paper, but our professor is making everyone rewrite theirs before they head over to the media students so I don't feel too bad. She apparently really liked the photos that I took and told Kyle (I had to work, so I couldn't get feedback on my paper, she gave it to Kyle!) that she would really like me to enroll in her photo journalism course. The thing is, I really am not that interested in it. I am good (fairly) at taking pictures of people, but I don't really love it or anything. I do have two electives left so I guess I can think about it a little more. I guess I am mostly pissed that she did not like my writing and that is what I want to do, figures.

In non-school related news, I am really excited for Spring/Summer because I will have time to start my projects! The first two things that have to get done asap are the staircase in the basement, and the fence in the yard. The tree has to be cut first and Comcast has to be called to move the cable before that and I need the internet for school so we are waiting another couple weeks. Next is to get a dryer, unpack all the boxes, sort stuff out and donate what we don't need. Then plants for the yard, lots and lots of yard work needs to be done and I think we are going to paint the living room and hallway! I also have a ton of frames to get for all of Kyle's really cool posters and maps and then Lauren and I are going to bug my brother Mark to help us reupholster our couches! And possibly one of my chairs... Kyle and I still need furniture for various rooms and of course we need to plan the house warming part/bbq/shindig. I want to get the bulk of everything done in May so that come June I can start looking for the materials for my couch! We will probably do Lauren's first since she probably already knows what she wants. Kyle and I just planned out how we wanted to decorate the house theme-wise and we are so excited! Gwah! School hurry up and be over!! I am going to take some pics of the house for blog posts coming up so you guys can have a before-hand look of the place and then I will track our progress through the blog. Whaddya think?


Sweater-Old Navy
Shirt & Bag-Thirfted
Jeans-Urban Oufitters

Song "Simple Girl" by Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr.

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